The Patricks RD1 Refill Recovery and Defence Spray uses a special scientific formulation that comes with the most efficient and effective ingredients to address all four stages of hair growth.
The four phases being :
Phase 1- The growth phase
Capi-Secretys makes sure that the hair follicles keep growing, Caffeine acts as an antioxidant and ensures healthy and active hair growth.
Phase 2 - A short transitory period which pretty much signals the beginning of the end
Panthenol nourishes the hair strands, its humectant-like moisturizing properties protect the hair from dehydration, prevent breakage.
Phase 3- Where fully grown hair decides to have a rest.
Redensyl improves hair density, Capixyl modulates the levels of DHT and improves anchorage.
Phase 4 -The final stage, hair is gradually loosened from the follicle before falling away completely.
Swertia Herb Extract and Orich-37m boosts the next growth period with improved blood circulation to the scalp for fuller and thicker texture.